For Therapists

Davanloo’s Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy (ISTDP) is an effective, time-efficient way of treating a very wide spectrum of patients, including many who have not been helped by other therapy modalities.

I am available for one-time or ongoing case consultation/supervision for therapists who are learning ISTDP, or who want to explore integrating aspects of ISTDP into their practice.

I am also active in teaching ISTDP locally, nationally, and internationally.

If you are interested in consultation, or having me teach, please contact me.

ISTDP is one of what are known as Experiential Dynamic Therapies (EDTs).  I am active in the broader EDT world, serving on the board of the International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association (IEDTA), having chaired its technology committee, and serving as its President (2018-2019). The major focus of my presidency was organizing our 2019 International Conference, which took place in Boston.